In this installment of the “Ask the Expert” series, NAPB proudly presents Danny Luke from Quick Move Now, who shares his expertise and answers: “What are the benefits of using a quick sale company?
What are the benefits of using a quick sale company?
Quick sale companies offer a valuable service to property owners who need a fast or guaranteed sale.
The UK property market is notoriously long-winded and unpredictable. According to Rightmove, it currently takes an average of 64 days to find a buyer on the open market. Add this to the average conveyancing time of 8-12 weeks and you’re looking at an average of 4-5 months to sell via an estate agent, but it can take considerably longer if you’re part of a property chain or struggle to secure a buyer. Sellers also need to factor in that around 1 in 3 property sales will fall through before completion.
Genuine cash home buying companies offer a completely different way to sell.
Selling to a professional home buying company means you’ll have none of the hassle, stress or uncertainty usually associated with selling a property.
Unmatched speed
A genuine cash-buying company will be able to buy your property and have the money in your bank account in as little as a week. This speed cannot be matched by any other method of sale.
A failed property sale isn’t just inconvenient, it can also prove very costly. According to Which? each failed property sale is likely to cost a homeowner around £3,000.
Selling to a genuine cash home buyer means your property sale is guaranteed. You don’t have to worry about any chain issues and the sale will complete on a date of your choice, putting you in complete control of your move. This type of guaranteed sale effectively makes you a chain-free buyer, so it also puts you in a great position to negotiate on your next home.
Hassle-free sale
Moving house is said to be one of the most stressful things you’ll ever do. Property buying companies offer a hassle-free alternative. There will be no property viewings to navigate, and you’ll have a professional team managing the sale for you.
Is there anything else to consider?
The quick sale industry is unregulated, so it’s important to do your due diligence and make sure the company you’re considering using is genuine.
The NAPB has been working hard to raise standards within the quick sale industry, but there are still a lot of rogue traders out there. A company will only be able to offer the benefits above if they are buying your property directly with their own cash funds, so it’s important that you have a clear understanding of how the company works and ask plenty of questions.
If you’d like to learn more about Quick Move Now, click the link below:
Meet the Buyer: Danny Luke