10 August 2017
Today’s article by the BBC in Wales into alleged problems a property seller has experienced with ‘quick sale’ firm Speed Property highlights the importance in using a member of The National Association of Property Buyers (NAPB).
All members of the NAPB must be signed up to The Property Ombudsman’s Code of Practice for Residential Property Buying Companies. The code sets out how professional property buying companies must act throughout the property buying purchase – from advertising their services to purchasing the property. It also provides a redress scheme should a company be deemed not to be complying with the code.
A list of all current NAPB members is available on our website. If you are thinking of using a professional property buying company and you are not sure if they are a member of the NAPB you can contact us to find out. Some of our members do operate under different trading names and we would be happy to clarify this for you.
We would like to point out that the company mentioned in the BBC article – Speed Property – is completely separate to an NAPB of a similar name (Speed Property Buyers).