THE cost of living crisis is causing misery for millions of Brits. Rising petrol prices, food bills and a hike in charges for gas, electric and council tax means the average UK household faces a huge battle to make ends meet each month.
With this in mind, the NAPB is today releasing a special report highlighting some simple steps homeowners can take in cutting the costs of running their property.
Our team has found more than a dozen ways you can save money and create a more eco-friendly home in the process. By following these steps you won’t only cut the running costs of your home but you could also increase the value when you come to sell because buyers are likely to be attracted to a more sustainable home.
HOMEOWNERS can save THOUSANDS of pounds a year by creating a more eco-friendly home, a new report reveals today.
Analysis by the National Association of Property Buyers (NAPB) shows how just a few minor changes can help people to transform your finances.
The NAPB report, which comes amid the growing cost of living crisis, highlights dozens of money saving tips.
It includes advice on how:
*The average household could save £60 and 310kg of carbon dioxide a year by turning down the thermostat by just one degree.
*Installing and correctly using a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves, can cut a further £75 and 320kg of carbon dioxide a year.
*Buying 0mm-270mm of loft insulation can save the typical semi-detached house around £255 a year on their energy bill. Also, by boosting the thickness of existing loft insulation to between 120mm-270mm, the average semi-detached home could save around £25 a year on their energy bill.
*Draught-proofing can save around £45 a year on an energy bill of the typical gas fuelled home. For homes with an open chimney, this saving can increase to around £65 a year.
*Purchasing hot water jackets – which are available for as little as £12 can save the average semi-detached property £145 a year on their energy bills. Topping up existing insulation and adding pipe insulation could save around £35 a year.
The report also highlights how choosing appliances with a high energy-efficiency rating will help to reduce energy usage. The NAPB report found that:
*An A+++ rated washing machine, with an estimated lifespan of 11 years, will use £65 less energy over its lifespan.
*An efficient dishwasher will cost approximately £7 a year less to run compared to an older model.
*An A+++ fridge freezer will save approximately £320 over its lifespan compared to an A+ model.
Homeowners, the NAPB say, can also make great savings on water use. By fitting aerators onto an existing kitchen tap they could help to save up to FORTY litres of water a day.
And by replacing an inefficient shower head with a water efficient one, they could save £55 off their gas bills and around £45 off their water bills (if they have a water mater) each year. That’s a total saving of around £100. Homeowners can also save money by fitting a hose gun attachment to garden hoses can help to control where and when you use water in your garden. Hosepipe spray guns use up to 50% less water per use.
Commenting on the report, Jonathan Rolande, from the NAPB, said: “The cost of living crisis is the biggest issue facing most of us right now and it is clear the situation is only going to get worse before it improves. That’s why the NAPB is today releasing a guide of free tips that people can use right away to try and drive down the cost of running their house.
“These changes may also help increase the value of your property in the long term. Buyers are now demanding more and more eco-friendly features when they view a home. So making changes now will not only help save money in the short term, it could prove to be really lucrative in the long term too.”